All Huntsville ISD Campuses & Facilities will be CLOSED for the WINTER BREAK from Thursday, December 21 through Wednesday, January 3 in observation of the Christmas & New Year's holidays. HISD Employees will return to work on Thursday, January 4th & HISD Students will return to school for the second semester on Monday, January 8. Parents, please be sure that you have made alternative arrangements for any childcare needed during the closure.
On behalf of the HISD Board of Trustees, Superintendent Dr. Scott Sheppard & the HISD Administration, we wish everyone a very safe & happy winter holiday break.

All Huntsville ISD campuses will have EARLY RELEASE @ 1:00 PM for students on Wednesday, December 20 for the winter holiday break. *HHS students will follow their final exam schedule. Afternoon Bus Routes will have earlier drop off times than normal. Parents should make alternative arrangements for any after school care, if needed.

Don't forget that the Penguin Patch starts tomorrow! Make sure to send your students with their budget envelopes so they can start shopping!

Did your student miss the picture day or need a retake? Picture Retakes will occur on Wednesday, December 6th. Please bring your original picture packet back on the day of the retakes.
To buy pictures, please stop by the front office for an order form or pay online at: mylifetouch.com code: EVTBWHRZX

Dear Parents/Guardians, Huntsville ISD will have an Early Release Day this Friday, December 1, 2023, with all campuses dismissing early at 2:30 PM. This new early release time will hopefully allow our Hornet Nation football fans and families to attend the Hornet playoff game scheduled for that evening in Houston. HISD Transportation will also run afternoon bus routes earlier than normal times. Parents should make any arrangements necessary to accommodate this early dismissal time including arranging for after school care, if needed. The Huntsville Hornet Varsity Football team won the Regional 3 Semifinal playoff game on Friday, November 24, 2023, against Richmond Randle to advance to the fourth round of the playoffs! The Regional Quarterfinal Championship game between the Huntsville Hornets and the Port Neches-Groves Indians will be played this Friday, December 1, 2023, at 7:00 PM at the NRG Stadium in Houston, TX. Huntsville ISD encourages all citizens to join us to pack the stands at NRG to cheer on our hometown Hornets! The following preliminary game day information is being shared now with our Huntsville Hornet fans. Additional details regarding stadium parking and entry, playoff shirt sales, as well as the online ticket purchasing will be shared on hornetnation.org and social media as it becomes available. TICKETS PRICES: All tickets are General Admission. Pre-sale ticket prices are Students $7 (with code) and Adults $13 (with code). All tickets at the gate will be $16. Children 2 and older will need a ticket. FAN PARKING & STADIUM ENTRY: NRG Park is cashless. There will be a $20 Parking fee per space. The Hornets will be the VISITING team.

Monday-Friday, November 20-24 ALL Huntsville ISD Campuses & Facilities will be CLOSED for the Thanksgiving break.
We are counting our blessings for our wonderful Huntsville community. We wish you all a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING & safe holiday break!

SWHE Parents and Families: Due to network outages, we are currently unable to receive phone calls. The district is working to correct the situation as soon as possible. If you need to make immediate transportation changes, please email kfberry@huntsville-isd.org.
Thank you.

We'll see you at the Fall Festival this Thursday, from 5:30-7:30 PM! We are greatly in need of candy and other items, and we appreciate your help!

Our second annual Fall Festival is next Thursday, November 16th, from 5:30-7:30 PM. Parents: Please consider helping in any way you can; volunteering, donating, and attending are all great ways to make our festival a success.

HISD GT Referral Window OPEN through November 17, 2023:
The HISD Gifted & Talented Program referral window is NOW OPEN for students in grades K-11. Kindergarten testing will begin in December and parents will receive notification of results by March 1, 2024. Testing for grades 1-11 will occur during the spring semester on each campus. Parents and principals will be notified of the results in June, and services for qualifying students will begin in the fall of the 2024-2025 school year.
La ventana de referencia para el programa de Dotados y Talentosos está abierta para estudiantes de Huntsville ISD en los grados K-11. Las pruebas para estudiantes en kinder comenzarán en diciembre y los padres recibirán una notificación de los resultados antes del 1 de marzo de 2024. Las pruebas para los grados 1-11 se realizarán durante el semestre de primavera en cada escuela. Los padres y directores serán notificados de los resultados en junio y los servicios para los estudiantes que califiquen comenzarán en el otoño del año escolar 2024-2025.
To refer a student please complete the referral form / Para recomendar a un estudiante, complete el formulario de recomendación usando este enlace @ https://www.huntsville-isd.org/.../gifted-talented-program.

Don't miss out on Books n' Bagels tonight from 4-6 PM, where you will get a free bagel while you shop the book fair with your student!

The Big Kahuna Fundraiser pick up will be Wednesday, November 1st from 1:00-3:00 P.M.
You will pull into the bus line by the cafeteria, stop at the cafeteria doors, and someone will bring your order out to you.
Thank you for supporting our fundraiser!

Our Book Fair begins on Monday, October 30th! Please visit this link https://www.scholastic.com/bf/swhe to create an eWallet for your student, shop online, and learn more about our fair.
Parent/Grandparent Shopping Time is at 7:30-8:00 A.M. each morning.
Books n’ Bagel is a family event on Thursday, November 2nd 4:00 – 6:00 P.M.
Inviting all parents and grandparents! Join us in the library for a delicious bagel and a chance to shop at the book fair with your student!

Huntsville ISD will host a Special Programs Parent Information Night on Monday, November 6th from 5:00 - 6:30 pm. at the Huntsville High School Commons. This will be a Come and Go event! Please park in the back parking lot area and use the rear doors to the Commons.
Come learn about our Bilingual, ESL, Dyslexia, 504 and Special Education programs in Huntsville ISD. Specific program information, child find information and resources for student supports will be shared. All parents and students of HISD and the surrounding community are welcome.

ALL children 6th grade and under must be accompanied by an adult to enter the stadium and should remain with them throughout the game. There should be no loitering by the concession stands, in the restrooms or in the aisles. We do not allow hanging on the rails and ask that everyone please be seated. Green chairback seats are for RESERVED ticket holders and are not for general admission. Please be respectful of others so that all fans can see and enjoy the game!

SWHE Families: Our Fall Book Fair is just two weeks away! Follow the link below to access our book fair homepage, where you can find all the details about our big event.

Come Join Us Tonight from 5 PM to 6:30 PM for Open House at Gibbs PreK & All 4 Elementary Campuses! We hope to see you there!!!

Calendar Reminder:
All Campuses & Facilities will be CLOSED on Monday, October 9 in observance of the Columbus Day holiday. Parents, please be sure you have made alternative arrangements for childcare, if needed as there will be no school on Monday.
Have a safe & happy holiday!

TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT!!! Come help us pack the stands for the new Huntsville ISD Stadium Dedication & Community Celebration!!!
Thank you to the Huntsville Community for your overwhelming support making this new stadium possible! Everyone is welcomed!
Entry will be from the West Side of the stadium, only from MLK Drive. Park & use the beautiful new walking bridge over to the stadium. Handicapped parking available behind the Administration Building off of FM 2821 E. Home Side Gates will open to the Public at 7:00 PM. The Dedication Program will take place at 7:15 PM. Fieldhouse Tours will begin at 7:45 PM for anyone interested.
Please Come Help Us Celebrate!

Friday, October 6 is a scheduled STUDENT HOLIDAY for a Teacher/Staff Professional Development Day in Huntsville ISD. Parents, please be sure you have made alternative childcare arrangements, if needed.