SAVE THE DATE - EARLY RELEASE DAY - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20: All Huntsville ISD campuses will have EARLY RELEASE @ 1:15 PM for students on Friday, December 20 for the winter holiday break. *HHS students will follow the final exam schedule. Afternoon Bus Routes will have earlier drop off times than normal. Parents should make alternative arrangements for any after school care, if needed.
4 months ago, Huntsville ISD
Early Release Day graphic
📸 Reminder: Picture Retake Day Tomorrow! If your child missed the original picture day or you'd like a retake, tomorrow is the day! Don’t forget to send them with their best smile!
4 months ago, Samuel Walker Houston Elementary Communications
✨ 12 Days of Christmas Begins Thursday! ✨ Let the holiday fun begin! Over the next 12 days, we’ll be celebrating with a different theme each day. Stay tuned and join us for the festive cheer!
4 months ago, Samuel Walker Houston Elementary Communications
12 Days of Christmas
Attention Parents! Here’s the schedule for our remaining Fall Benchmark testing: 📅 Tuesday, December 3rd – 5th Grade Science Benchmark 📅 Tuesday, December 10th – 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Math Benchmark Please note: No visitors will be allowed on campus during testing days. Thank you for your understanding and support!
4 months ago, Samuel Walker Houston Elementary Communications
Thanksgiving Holiday Break - District Closed Nov 25 -29 All Huntsville ISD Campuses & Facilities will be CLOSED for the THANKSGIVING BREAK from Monday, November 25 through Friday, November 29 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. This does NOT include early release. Parents, please be sure that you have made alternative arrangements for any childcare needed during the break since all schools will be closed for the week. At this time of Thanksgiving, we take this opportunity to say how grateful we are, and to thank YOU, our Huntsville ISD Community for your unwavering support of our students, staff, schools, programs and district. We are so proud of how far we have come on so many levels, and how far we can continue to go as we work together Building Champions! On behalf of the HISD Board of Trustees, Superintendent Dr. Sheppard and HISD Administration, we wish you all a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving holiday. May you all have a safe and restful break with quality time spent with family, friends, and loved ones.
4 months ago, Huntsville ISD
Thanksgiving Holiday Break - District Closed Nov 25 -29
The Fall Festival is tonight! Book Fair will be open! We hope to see you there!
4 months ago, Samuel Walker Houston Elementary Communications
Fall Festival Reminder
Don't forget to set up your student's eWallet account for cashless, stress-less shopping. Friends and family can even contribute funds! Set one up here:
4 months ago, Samuel Walker Houston Elementary Communications
Book Fair eWallet
Reminder: PTO meeting tonight - November, 18th from 5:00-6:00 in the cafeteria. We hope to see you there!
4 months ago, Samuel Walker Houston Elementary Communications
Don't Forget to Order This Year's School Pictures. ENJOY 10% OFF your order! CODE: F202410OFF EXPIRES: July 31, 2025 Missed the first round of pictures? Don't worry! Picture Retake Day is December 4th! Make sure to bring your best smile and be ready to shine!
4 months ago, Samuel Walker Houston Elementary Communications
It's Scholastic Book Fair time! From November 18th to November 22nd, come experience the limitless possibilities with your kids. Set up your student's ewallet and view a sneak peek online:
4 months ago, Samuel Walker Houston Elementary Communications
Come to our Book Fair
Dear parents, Don't worry! You can still order school pictures online. To order, log in to your account on or create an account using your student's student ID number. All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card. More about the Smilesafe program at Thank you!
5 months ago, Samuel Walker Houston Elementary Communications
HISD Elementary Families, Stewart Elementary School's PTO invites you to their annual fall festival scheduled for Saturday, November 16, 2024, from 1 pm to 3 pm. Bring your families and join us for food, drinks, fun and prizes! See attached flyer for ticket information.
5 months ago, Huntsville ISD
Stewart Elementary PTO Fall Festival flyer to  all Elem
Hey Hornets ~ FUEL Your Sole! Bring your Report Card into LEE BARON and get $ off your new KICKS for As & Bs in core subjects! *See flyer for all the details.
5 months ago, Huntsville ISD
Fuel Your Sole Good Grade Rewards for HISD Students from Lee Baron
October is National Principals Month, and Huntsville ISD expresses our heartfelt gratitude to the amazing principals who lead our schools. Their dedication, passion, and commitment shape the educational experiences of our students and foster positive school cultures. Every day, our principals inspire teachers, staff, and students to strive for their best. They navigate challenges with grace and create environments where every student can thrive. Throughout the rest of this month, we will be spotlighting our school principals! So be on the lookout and join us in recognizing and thanking these remarkable leaders. Let’s all take a moment to #ThankAPrincipal and show our appreciation for their invaluable contributions to our schools and communities.
5 months ago, Huntsville ISD
principal's month graphic
Reminder: Picture Day is tomorrow. Picture Day is coming on Tuesday, October 22! You can place your order on using your Picture Day ID: EVTD2V7F8. Order before midnight on Picture Day to get FREE shipping! Your child can also bring their completed flyer with cash or check on Picture Day.
5 months ago, Samuel Walker Houston Elementary Communications
Picture Day is Tomorrow!
Attention Parents: The Big Kahuna delivery for all ship-to-school orders will be ready for pick up TODAY from 12:30 to 2:30 in the cafeteria.
5 months ago, Samuel Walker Houston Elementary Communications
Reminder for Elementary Families ~ You are invited to our Elementary Open House TOMORROW evening, Thursday, October 10th from 5 pm to 6:30 pm at all 4 elementary campuses. Come see all that your children have been learning and doing during these first few months of school! See you there!
5 months ago, Huntsville ISD
Elementary Open House October 10 graphic
CALENDAR REMINDER: Huntsville ISD will have a Districtwide holiday on Monday, October 14, 2024, in observance of Columbus Day. All campuses and facilities will be CLOSED on this date. Parents, please be sure you have made any alternative arrangements for childcare if needed since there will be no school for students or staff on this date. We wish you a safe and happy holiday weekend.
6 months ago, Huntsville ISD
District Holiday Reminder - Monday, Oct 14 Columbus Day
CALENDAR REMINDER: Friday, October 11, 2024, is a scheduled STUDENT HOLIDAY for a Teacher/Staff Professional Development Day. Parents, please be sure you have made any alternative childcare arrangements, if needed.
6 months ago, Huntsville ISD
Friday, Oct 11, 2024 student holiday
HISD ELEMENTARY PARENTS/GUARDIANS: The HISD Gifted and Talented Program Referral Window for students in 1st thru 11th grade is October 1st through October 31st. This year’s referral window is a little longer so don’t miss out! Testing for grades 1-11 will occur during this Fall semester at each campus. Parents and principals will be notified of the results by December, and services for qualifying students in grades 1-5 will begin in the Spring semester while students in grades 6-11 will have course selections in the Spring and begin services in the 25-26 school year. To refer a student for GT, please complete the referral form on the HISD website @ If you have any questions, please contact HISD GT Specialist, Sarah Mallory at 435-6327.
6 months ago, Huntsville ISD
GT Referral Window Elem English
GT Referral Window Elem Spanish