Huntsville ISD Families and Staff, HISD has been monitoring the inclement weather forecasts and flooding conditions in our immediate area. At this time, we plan to have school as normal tomorrow, Monday, May 6, 2024. We urge families who reside in low lying areas to take all necessary precautions to keep your family safe. We will continue to monitor the conditions throughout today and tonight, and if a change is necessary we will communicate to families as soon as a decision can be made. In the event we must delay or cancel school we will send a notification to families by 5:30 AM; otherwise, expect regular operations. Thank you, Huntsville ISD
9 months ago, Huntsville ISD
normal operations resume graphic
Huntsville ISD Families, After careful consideration and consultation with local emergency management officials, HISD will continue closure through Friday, May 3. Dangerous road conditions are expected to continue into tomorrow, with more rain likely overnight and many roads outside of town still flooded as of 5:30 PM today. Additionally, our creeks, tributaries and rivers are still rising within our boundaries. While we like to wait as long as possible to make this decision so it can be based on real time information, we also realize the more notice we give families and staff, the better it is for their planning. We fully expect to be back to normal operations by Monday, and any changes or updates will be sent through our mass notification system, posted on the district website ( and our official social media pages, and will be communicated to media outlets. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have suffered loss or damage during this weather event. Please stay safe, Huntsville ISD
9 months ago, Huntsville ISD
district closure notice for Friday, May 3, 2024
Huntsville ISD Families, HISD has been monitoring the heavy rain and flooding overnight across our district. Dangerous road conditions due to widespread street flooding at 4:45 AM is not expected to recede in time for staff and students to get to school safely, therefore school is canceled for today, Thursday, May 2. We will continue to monitor conditions throughout the day and night and will make a determination for tomorrow as soon as possible. All updates will also be sent to parents using the mass notification system as well as posted on the district website ( and social media pages. Please stay safe, Huntsville ISD
9 months ago, Huntsville ISD Hornets
HISD Closed today
ENROLL NOW - NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION FOR 2024-2025 IS OPEN! Huntsville ISD is enrolling NEW students for next school year. If your student(s) will not/did not end the 2023-2024 school year with Huntsville ISD, then they are considered a New Student. This includes all incoming Pre-Kindergarten students, too. All Registration will be completely ONLINE this year! All Student Registration for Fall 2024 will be done ONLINE via the link on the Student Registration page on the HISD website @ All Enrollment Criteria and Registration Requirements can be found there. ALL students will be required to provide Proof of Residency before the registration process can be completed. What school is your child zoned for? Begin the ONLINE Registration process and you'll be able to use the Versatrans E-Link search program to find out! ____________________________________ PRE-K Round-Up Early Registration Thursday, May 2, 2024 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM ALL 4 Elementary Campuses If you need assistance with Pre-K ONLINE Registration, please visit the child's zoned elementary campus during the Pre-K Round-Up time, or by appointment at the zoned campus beginning Friday, May 3. All Campus Tours / Meet & Greets will be held in August. NOTE: RETURNING STUDENT REGISTRATION will open in late May/early June. Monitor website and social media for all registration updates.
10 months ago, Huntsville ISD
new student registration graphic
HISD Spring Art Show! The Huntsville ISD Spring Art Show is underway! We are so proud to showcase all of the wonderful pieces of art at this year's show which is currently on display in the Library at Huntsville High School. We invite you to join us on April 23 from 5 pm - 7 pm for a Reception to celebrate a wonderful year and honor our talented district artists. See invitation for more!
10 months ago, Huntsville ISD
spring art show invitation 2024
CALENDAR REMINDER: This Friday, April 19 is a scheduled STUDENT HOLIDAY for a Teacher/Staff Professional Development Day. Parents, please be sure you have made alternative childcare arrangements, if needed.
10 months ago, Huntsville ISD
Friday, April 19 Student Holiday graphic
Credit by Exam Without Prior Instruction Information: HISD students wanting to take Credit by Exam without Prior Instruction need to visit their School Counselor for all Credit by Exam Registration Criteria and Information.   IMPORTANT- Visit the website below to know how to prepare for each test and what materials to bring to the test session.  Some courses require a project or paper to be completed and brought to the testing center on the day of the test.  English courses specify novels, literature, and poetry that must be read in advance of the test.  Credit by Exam Review Sheets @ June 11, 12, & 13 test dates - Registration forms are due to the campus counselor by Friday, April 26. July 9, 10, & 11  test dates - Registration forms are due to the campus counselor by Friday, May 17.
10 months ago, Huntsville ISD
Credit by Exam
SAVE THE DATE: All About Kids Expo - Saturday, April 20 Huntsville Independent School District is the proud title sponsor of CASA's All About Kids Expo! This inaugural event is YOUR opportunity to bring the family to learn about all the wonderful opportunities available and things offered for kids and teens to be involved in ALL YEAR LONG! You'll discover information on local summer camps, schools, multilingual/gifted and talented/special education programs, VBS, athletic leagues, medical/counseling/dental/chiropractic options, dance/arts/music, and SO MUCH MORE! From Toddlers to Teens, there is something for ALL ages! Please make plans to join us on Saturday, April 20 from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM at the Huntsville Church of Christ parking lot located at 3737 Hwy 30. Admission is FREE!!! AND there will be lots of food vendors and kids activities galore including a jewelry design contest!!! Offsite parking and shuttle services will be provided for all. For more information, please visit: #allaboutkids #buildingchampions
11 months ago, Huntsville ISD
SAVE THE DATE:  All About Kids Expo - Saturday, April 20
DISTRICT HOLIDAY REMINDER: All Huntsville ISD Campuses & Facilities will be CLOSED on Friday, March 29, 2024, in observance of the Good Friday holiday. Please make any childcare arrangements needed since there will be no school that day. Wishing you & yours a very Blessed Holiday weekend!
11 months ago, Huntsville ISD
District Holiday easter bunny background for March 29, 2024
APPROVED 2024-2025 ACADEMIC CALENDAR: The HISD Board of Trustees approved the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar at their February 15, 2024 meeting. Early calendar adoption allows families to plan & prepare now for next school year! You can find the original pdf version posted on the bottom of the Calendar page on the HISD website at *Please remember the school calendar is always subject to amendment or change. #HornetProud #BuildingChampions
11 months ago, Huntsville ISD
adopted 2024-2025 academic calendar
HISD 2023-2024 Calendar Revised - Wednesday, May 22 New Last Day of School The Academic Calendar for this 2023-2024 School Year was revised and unanimously approved by the Board of Trustees on February 21, 2024. The LAST DAY OF SCHOOL for students has been MOVED from Thursday, May 23 to Wednesday, May 22, with May 23 and 24 now both being work days for staff. This change will benefit our staff, especially those relocating to a different building or classroom next year. You can find a copy of the revised calendar attached and posted on the district website @ *NOTE: The calendar is always subject to change.
11 months ago, Huntsville ISD
HISD 2023-2024 Calendar Revised - Wednesday, May 22 New Last Day of School
CALENDAR REMINDER: Spring Break Closure - March 11-15, 2024 Huntsville ISD will be out for SPRING BREAK the entire week of March 11-15, 2024. All campuses and facilities will be CLOSED so please make alternative arrangements for any childcare that may be needed as there will be no school that week. We wish everyone a very safe and happy break!!!
11 months ago, Huntsville ISD
spring break graphic with sand and chalkboard background
Attention Huntsville ISD GT Parents: We would appreciate you providing us with your valuable input by completing this parent survey. The survey window is from February 14 - February 23. Huntsville ISD Parent Survey (English) Huntsville ISD Parent Survey (Spanish)
12 months ago, Huntsville ISD
GT Parent Survey graphic
Attention Huntsville ISD GT Parents: We would appreciate you providing us with your valuable input by completing this parent survey. The survey window is from February 14 - February 23. Huntsville ISD Parent Survey (English) Huntsville ISD Parent Survey (Spanish)
12 months ago, Huntsville ISD
gt parent survey graphic
🇺🇸 DISTRICT HOLIDAY REMINDER: All Huntsville ISD Campuses & Facilities will be CLOSED on Monday, February 19, 2024, in observance of the Presidents' Day holiday. Please make any childcare arrangements needed since there will be no school that day.
12 months ago, Huntsville ISD
Monday, Feb 19 District Holiday for Presidents' Day graphic
CALENDAR REMINDER: Friday, February 16 is a scheduled STUDENT HOLIDAY for a Teacher/Staff Professional Development Day. Parents, please be sure you have made alternative childcare arrangements, if needed.
12 months ago, Huntsville ISD
Friday, February 16 Student Holiday graphic
Huntsville ISD Families, HISD continues to monitor weather conditions for our immediate area and will do so throughout the night and early morning. At this time, we anticipate having school as NORMAL tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17, 2024. In the event that we must delay or cancel school due to weather, we will send a districtwide notification to families by 5:30 AM; otherwise, expect regular operations. Thank you, Huntsville ISD
about 1 year ago, Huntsville ISD
normal operations resume graphic
HISD Schools CLOSED Tuesday, January 16 Due to Inclement Weather Huntsville ISD Families, HISD has been monitoring the inclement weather forecasts for our immediate area. A low of 19* is predicted tonight with patchy ice on the roads that will not thaw by morning. Dangerous wind chill of 6* is expected when our students would be waiting for morning bus routes. Due to these sub freezing temperatures and potential for icy/hazardous road conditions, we have decided to CLOSE school tomorrow, Tuesday, January 16, 2024. All extracurricular activities are also canceled. Roads are expected to clear tomorrow afternoon, so at this point we plan to return to normal operations on Wednesday. We will continue to monitor the conditions and if a change is necessary we will communicate to families as soon as a decision can be made. All updates will also be sent to parents using the mass notification system as well as posted on the district website ( and social media pages. Students are encouraged to stay indoors due to extreme temperatures. It is unusual for the Huntsville/Walker County community to experience temperatures this cold. Hypothermia can be a great concern if you are exposed to extreme cold. Click on this link for signs and symptoms: You can call 2-1-1 should your family need assistance during this time. Please stay safe and warm, Huntsville ISD
about 1 year ago, Huntsville ISD
Inclement Weather Notice
The following email was sent to HISD Families on Wednesday, December 20, 2023, in an effort to keep you informed about the potential changes to our elementary school attendance zones. If you missed it, here it is again for your review: Dear Huntsville ISD Families, Over the past year, our District Design Committee has been working to determine the best plan to present to our Huntsville ISD Board of Trustees to address potential rezoning of our elementary school attendance boundaries. The primary focus is what is best for our students, and what would be the least disruptive to our families. The committee’s work has been the culmination of an effort that began with conversations regarding boundary adjustments before the 2021 bond election, as at that point Huntsville Elementary School was already overcrowded. We have since utilized four portable classrooms to accommodate staff and students there. Additionally, the overwhelming success of our bond demonstrated that our community believes our children will be more successful with a new Pre-K to Fifth Grade alignment, so we are moving Pre-K and 5th grade to the elementary campuses. This exacerbates an already overcrowded situation, forcing us to modify boundary lines to even out the population amongst our four elementary schools. The District Design Committee conducted two workshops with our Board of Trustees over the last two months, and also presented their findings at the regularly scheduled Board of Trustees Meeting in November. We want to reshare this information in the accompanying video to help make our community aware of the main areas that are under consideration. A few things to keep in mind as you view the zoning maps: The maps show potential changes that are still under consideration. We are studying the number of students that live in these areas that would be affected. This is a notification that resident elementary students in these areas might change school zones. Depending on available space, there is a chance that even if your student is rezoned, there may be an opportunity for your student to finish out their elementary years at their current school. The main areas under consideration are (see Potential Changes map below): (1) The area on the map along the I-45 corridor and Hwy 75 N between the Huntsville Elementary School and Samuel W. Houston Elementary zones, which is currently zoned for Huntsville Elementary, could possibly be rezoned to Samuel W. Houston Elementary to relieve overcrowding at Huntsville Elementary School. (2) The area on the map in the northeast Riverside and Wood Farm Road area that is currently zoned to Huntsville Elementary School could possibly be rezoned to Scott Johnson Elementary to alleviate overcrowding at Huntsville Elementary. (3) The area indicated on the map at the far east end of the district, just south of Hwy 190 that is currently zoned to Estella Stewart Elementary, could possibly be rezoned to Scott Johnson Elementary. (4) The southwest area of the map on FM 1375 (behind the Texas Grand Ranch) that is currently zoned to Samuel W. Houston Elementary could possibly be rezoned to Estella Stewart Elementary. (5) The area in town roughly between Montgomery Rd. and Ave M and stretching northeast to Bearkat Blvd. and SH 19 that is currently zoned to Samuel W. Houston Elementary could potentially be rezoned to either Scott Johnson Elementary or Estella Stewart Elementary. We would like to reiterate that none of these changes are for certain and that we are resharing to keep you informed of potential changes. It is likely the Board of Trustees will approve any boundary adjustments in January 2024 to allow planning time for next school year. Please feel free to share any comments regarding these potential changes by emailing NOTE: This Parent Notice was originally emailed to HISD families at 3:15 PM , 12/20/2023 and again as a Second Parent Notice at 1:30 PM, 1/12/2024, which also included a link to our video as well as a map with highlighted/circled areas for those wanting more details on the areas under consideration for potential change. Map with Highlights & Circles & Text Video link: Potential Changes to Huntsville ISD Elementary School Zones
about 1 year ago, Huntsville ISD
Potential Changes to Huntsville ISD Elementary School Zones image
map of potential attendance boundary changes
Calendar Reminder: All HISD Campuses & Facilities will be CLOSED on Monday, January 15, 2024, in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday. Parents, please be sure you have made alternative arrangements for any childcare needed as there will be no school on Monday.
about 1 year ago, Huntsville ISD
mlk day holiday monday, january 15, 2024