Workforce Dual Credit & Articulated Credit Programs
Huntsville ISD is proud to have a great relationship with Sam Houston State, Lone Star College and the Advanced Technical Credit Program to offer dual and articulated college credit to Huntsville High School Students.
What is dual credit?
Dual credit is a process by which a high school student enrolls in a college course and receives simultaneous academic credit for the course from both the college and the high school. While dual credit courses are often taught on the secondary school campus to high school students only, a high school student can also take a course on the college campus and receive both high school and college credit. Dual credit courses include both academic courses as well as technical/workforce courses. These courses are stepping stones from high school to college, serving as a path to academic degree programs or college-level workforce education courses.
What is articulated and advanced technical credit?
Articulated college credit is a process by which a high school student earns college credits for successfully completing a high school courses that are banked at the community college until the student enrolls in a program at the college. Approved courses and their college equivalents are listed in the Credit Program Course Crosswalk or at participating college websites. The participating colleges have agreed to offer students credit for these courses, provided the college offers the course and students meet certain criteria. The teacher of the high school course must meet the Advanced Technical Credit requirements, go through Advanced Technical Credit training, and teach a course enhanced to meet the content of the equivalent college courses. Articulated college credits are also known as "credit-in-escrow."