Career & Technical Education
Welcome to Career and Technical Education
About CTE
Career and Technical Education (CTE) in Huntsville ISD is embracing the district's vision: "All students thrive as lifelong learners and global citizens prepared for the futures they create."
CTE programs offer a sequence of courses that provides students with coherent and rigorous content. CTE content is aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in current or emerging professions.
A highly educated workforce is the key to successful wealth creation and economic prosperity. Technically skilled and highly educated workers are needed at all levels, and they must have the capacity for lifelong learning that is demanded by business and industry. In order for Huntsville ISD to be successful in educating the workforce of the future, a unified vision of education and business/industry for a prosperous, thriving, and competitive state must be forged.
The Huntsville ISD Career and Technical Education Department will provide comprehensive course offerings and experiences to empower students to successfully reach their academic and career goals, ensuring a sustainable future.
Utilize the latest curriculum to develop scope and sequences, syllabi, calendars, and assessment instruments to best enhance student performance.
Ensure a smooth transition from secondary programs to post-secondary education and the workforce.
Implement or maintain certification/licensure programs.
Implement/maintain Advanced Technical Credit (ATC) certification.
Develop articulation and dual college credit agreements for CTE programs

Contact Us
Dr. Jamey R. Johnson
Director of Secondary Teaching and Learning
(936) 435-6300
Jessica Bright
Coordinator of Career and Technical Education (CTE)
(936) 435-6325
Isac Palacios
CTE Administrative Assistant
(936) 435-6126